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Education Leaders Respond to Announcement of Penny Sales Tax Initiative

Oklahoma City, OK - Oklahoma is at a critical crossroads: The teacher shortage has created a crisis in our classrooms, and our children are paying a high price.  Unfortunately, the state’s budget shortfall for next year could exceed a billion dollars, leaving lawmakers few resources to help solve this problem.

We appreciate the efforts of President Boren and others to offer Oklahomans a student-focused solution designed to strengthen public education’s ability to attract and retain great teachers and dedicate resources for academic improvement.

Oklahomans have a vested interest in the public education system, and we believe they will welcome the opportunity to be part of a conversation and potential solution to provide needed support for our state’s students and teachers.

Shawn Hime, Executive Director of OSSBA |405.528.3571 |

Don Ford, Executive Director of OROS |918.694.1572 |

Steven Crawford and Ryan Owens, Co-Executive Directors of CCOSA | 405.524.1191 | |